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TDW Chapters

Join TDW

Join the Official Women’s Caucus of the Texas Democratic Party

If you are a Democrat who shares our goals of increased participation and influence of Democratic women in Texas politics and government, TDW is for you!

Find a TDW chapter near you below, and email their President or visit their website to join.

You also can join through TDW’s ActBlue Membership Page, or download and send in our Membership Form with your dues.

TDW Chapters

TDW chapter activities are opportunities to learn meeting skills that distinguish our members as community leaders, allow us to develop political knowledge and skills needed to attain public office or be effective behind the scenes in campaigns while enjoying a genial, like-minded group where the friendships of a lifetime grow. Find a Chapter near you, below, or Contact Us to find out about starting one in your County.

Anderson County TDW
President: Ava Harmon

Arlington Area TDW
President: Sarah Stephens

Bell County TDW
President: Terris Goodwin

Bexar County Democratic Women
President: Sara Aranda

Big Country Democratic Women
President: Linda Goolsbee
Abilene area

TDW of the Brazos Valley
President: Marianne Arnold
Bryan-College Station area

Capital Area Democratic Women
President: Velva Price
Travis County

TDW of Central Texas
President: LucyAnn Sanchez
McLennan & surrounding Counties

Cherokee County TDW
President: Contact TDW Membership

Coastal Bend TDW
President: Becky Moeller
Nueces County

Ellis County TDW
President: Nancy Post

Fannin County TDW
President: Brenda Davis

TDW Fort Bend County
President: Sofia Sheikh

TDW Galveston County
President: Jennifer Smith-Castro

TDW Harris County Metro
President: Sandra Burleson

Harrison County TDW
Contact: Contact TDW Membership

Highland Lakes Democratic Women
President: Mary K. Kane
Burnet, Llano & nearby Counties

Hill Country TDW
President: Audra Arr
Kerr, Gillespie & Bandera Counties

TDW of Hood County
President: Sherry Johnson

Hopkins County TDW
President: Alieca Hux

TDW of Johnson County
President: Sheryl Gray

Nacogdoches County TDW
President: Contact TDW Membership

North Dallas TDW
President: Carol Jablonski

Parker County TDW
President: Marti Fagley

TDW of Rural North Texas
President: Lena Wells
Denton, Wise, Cooke & Montague Counties

South East Texas Democratic Women
President: Lynda Kay Makin
Jefferson, Orange, Chambers & Hardin Counties

TDW of the South Plains
President: Brigid Krizek            Lubbock & surrounding Counties

Tarrant Co. Democratic Woman’s Club (TCDWC)
President: Joyce Franklin

TDW of the Wichita Area
President: Natalie Cole